Charging for games

 Are you for or against for games? I like smartphone games. I play it a few hours everyday. So I'm inconvenienced when the buttery runs out. 

It has a system of gacha. I can get strong cards by playing gatya. I need to spend its game's money, it's called daiya on playing it. However, I have to play many mission and continue to log in it to save daiya. Also, I have another way to save it. It is charge.

I know if I pay the money for games, I can't get anything in the real world. But I can't stand impulse to play gatya. I have not charged it...yet.


  1. I can really understand your feelings... I cant stop gatya too, so my money goes out of the wallet soon:(

  2. I don't play game, but I can understand system of game and your feeling!

  3. I'm not interested in smartphone games so I've never played them but your feeling is understandable. However I wouldn't charge for games even if I ware in your place.




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